Dear Imperfect Human

Lets talk about yourself

You're incredible

You're an example to be followed


In all the right aspects

You wish the good for yourself

Above all, you wish the good of others

The greater purpose

Good job

You're on the right path

Yet there's this part about you

Very small

Insignificant you'd argue

One which creates confusion

With the rest of yourself

One which deviates you from your values

One which holds the potential

To erode the otherwise

Overwhelmingly good you

Make no compromise

Its power should be feared

It seeks evil




You wish that

To yourself

To everyone

To the greater good

That's pathetic

And sad

And worthy of the deepest shame

It spreads like a tumour

Hiding itself behind

Tiny and insignificant things

You pass it on



And everyone else does the same

Respect yourself

Don't compromise yourself

Be consistent

Hold your values with integrity

You can do that

Be the one to take the stand

Be the one to fight

Against all odds

Seek uncertainty

Seek genuine good

Become the example of others

Become the opportunity

That cures them

You can do that too


If you decide that you don't want to

If you decide

That you don't want

A positive and fulfilling life

For you and everyone involved

I won't respect degeneration

I won't tolerate destruction

I won't forgive evil

It is not your responsibility to consider me

That is true

It isn't to respect me

To tolerate me

To fulfill my desires

Yet it is your responsibility to serve the greater good

To surrender to it

To evolve our world

And you're failing that


I will show you the opportunity

And if you don't take it

I don't care what you think you need


I will make you fix that



I will use force

I will use leverage

I will change your circumstances

So you're forced to adapt

I might even hurt you


Without hesitation

For sometimes it is the only way

To help you

Dear living being

I love you


You're truly incredible

Which is why it hurts so much

To hurt you



It hurts me to hurt the very same someone

For whom I want to alleviate pain

May that be counterproductive but believe me





As necessary as wishing for the common good

For which it leads us closer to

It pains me to hurt the same someone I wish to cure

I risk losing you

In whichever form I had you

To serve the greater good

To show you the right path

For people resist change

And sometimes

The only way to achieve change

Is to risk losing all

I stand committed behind my values

To create death

To wish upon the destruction of the world


Unfortunately for you

Not among them

Dear human being

Dear world cohabitant

I love you

I want us to love each other

Not all is lost

You can change

You can reconsider your values

You wish to serve the greater good

In all of the right ways

And you're doing that. Well.

I only hope I've given you the opportunity to understand

How you're trashing all of that

With an apparently

Tiny and insignificant thing

I honestly hope that you'll reconsider

The damage and destruction you're wishing

Upon yourself

Upon me

Upon all of us

For many

You truly are

An example to be followed

I only wish you could become

One for me as well